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Re: [Asrg] Stamps

2003-03-07 10:13:13
Keith Moore wrote:
Spam exists because there is an (almost zero) fixed cost associated with sending it out.

false.  snail mail spam exists despite having significant costs associated
with sending it.

But despite it having been in existance for, what?, 50+ years, the "striker equivalent" isn't getting 1,000,000 snail mail ads a day. Or even at a more normal level, few people are getting, even 5 per day.

The economics are simply that the break-even rate, instead of being "a few in a hundred" as it is with snail mail spam, some spammers can "prosper"[*] with a return of "one in a million".

[*] Be leary of claims. Most spammers who claim to be raking in the megabucks are actually, currently, in flight from the repo man ;-) Eg: Jef Slaton (if you remember who he was).

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