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Re: [Asrg] DCC and IP checksums

2003-03-11 01:17:24
On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 17:34:05 +0100, Hadmut Danisch said:

Some years ago, hackers used to be highly sophisticated experts.
Meanwhile, the majority of attacks are driven by silly script kiddies
using high sophisticated tools without understanding what's going on.

As I said on another list recently: "Sometimes, the data makes a lot more
sense if you analyze it thinking 'What if the Three Stooges were hackers?'"

Reading some of the spams I receive I found that many of them seem
to be sent with the very same software and address list. There are

I've certainly seen my share of Three Stooges spammers...

One particularly bad day, I had one spammer send me:


In a text/plain.  No HTML. No anchors. No http:. Nothing.  Quite obviously
slice-and-miced from another spam and all the anchors lost. Whoops.

About 15 minutes later, I had some spam land in the Listserv postmaster's
mailbox because it was sent to an invalid userid.  The part that made it
pathetic-to-the-point-I-hope-they-dont-reproduce was that they were marketing
a CD with 400 million allegedly verified email addresses....

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