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[Asrg] 5b. Opt-Out, 2nd version

2003-03-26 06:12:41
Here are my updated notes on Opt-Out:

I. Use of Opt-Out
   1. How far is opt out applied 
      a. To do global opt-out for all commercial email services
      b. To do opt-out for some special email-list or particular types of email
   2. Timing reference for opting out
     a. For existing ones that already send you email and participate in
        the system. 
     b. For future ones that may want to send you email
     c. For certain period of time (when you're on vacacation)
        and can not receive as much email

I could not yet formulate what is to be said in this section, please help! 

II. How opt-out is delivered

  1. Distributed lists which use some type of encryption to allow validation 
     of particular address but not see enter list. 
        a. Opt-out lists can be easily cleaned up before the transmission
        b. Distribution of lists can be controlled by tightly controlled
        a. Serious issues that the encryption technology maybe broken 
           later on and as such allow to get clear list of all opted-out 
           email addresses
        b. Distribution lists can easily go sub-distributed and go beyoned 
           authenticated base and thereafter abused
        c. Patents relating to the encryption technologies exists
        d. Concerns about who and how will make opt-out lists and distribute
        e. Concerns that opt-out lists will instead be used to verify if 
           email address in spammer database is real

  2. Opt-out server. Here special service/server is made available to
     legit bulk-mailers. Anybody wishing to check if the address is 
     opt-out or not can connect to that server and check
        2a. One unified service is made available by the goverment or icann, etc
        2b. A number of special opt-out servers exist in parallel which 

            are used/run by different groups of commercial mailers
        a. Opt-out lists can be cleaned up before the transmission begins
        b. Distribution of lists can be controlled by tightly controlled
           the authentication means can be well controlled to not allow 
           distribution certain allowed list of entities
        a. Special opt-out verification protocol may have to be developed
        b. Concerns about who and how will run opt-out service
        c. Concerns that opt-out service will instead be used to verify if 
           email address in spammer database is real

  3. Opt-out system maintained together with mail servers on per-domain basis.
      3a. Service made available as part of mail server, new command added 
          to SMTP to check opt-out preference of user on email server
      3b.  Service made available as part of mail transmission and is more 
          tightly integrated with actually sending email, i.e. email being 
          sent contains some preference for opt-out check and email server 
          can based on that return email back with proper error code
          Note: to a degree this is what some filters already do ...
      3c. Service made available through separate protocol to be run by ISP
          on per-domain basis. 
        a. An opt-out is controlled by mail server operator and not any 
           questinable central agency. 
        b. Depending on how system is implemented it maybe a lot harder to 
           actually gather list of valid email addresses (mail server 
           operator may choose to answer opted-out for any email address 
           that does not exist, for example)
        a. A new protocol (or extensions to SMTP) need to be developed
        b. It maybe a lot harder to clean up lists before emailing
           (maybe this this also good thing?)
        c. If implemented as in 3a all MX servers (even backups) may need 
           to answer yes on question of opt-out, this created 
           implementation problems and seems unnecessary

  4. Modification of Email address to show opt-out choice. 
      4a.  General opt-out choice recognized by everybody, which may 
           actually be some variation of mail service domain/subdomain
      4b.  Opt-in choice specific to particular situation or mailing list 
           example - email+list(_at_)domain(_dot_)com
        a. Very easy to implement and does not require new technology, 4b 
           is already actively used by many
        b. Address itself shows optout choice, so spammers can not do
           email address cleanup for purposes of finding valid address
           Note: this is also a Con!
        c. Opt-out choice is controlled by each individual user and not by 
           external entity (be it central agency or mail service provider)
        a. This generally requires us to use different email address then 
           what we already do, often even more then one. It does not address
           issues with existing currently use email addresses (see
           section I on what we want to do), this is a BIG Con.
        b. Use of "special" email address may also be taken by spammers as 
           verification that email address is valid!

III. Enforcement of Opt-Out
   Note: #1 and #2 below may well be done in parallel
   1. Done by goverment by legislation to have all commercial email marketers
      participate in some system or abide by specific protocol standards
      Enforcement is afterwards left to courts
        a. There would be clear guidelines for commercial email senders to 
           follow and if they do not they will pay an actual price for it 
        b. Its a lot more likely commercial businesses will follow the law
        a. This maybe problematic when considering email as global system 
           and not specific to US or EU laws
        b. It takes some time for laws to be passed and then be verified 
           in courts to be workable
   2. Enforcement is left to ISP/mail server operators through use of 
      filters if email is found to be from commercial email marketer
      that is known to mail server operator
        a. Filtering is already well adapted technology
        b. When email is found to have violated opt-out choice, stopping 
           future email from the particular marketer is easy and fast 
           (blacklist) but it does require marketers to be well identified
        a. Use of filtering means some email will inevitably be filtered 
        b. Filters will never completed stop unwanted email even with 
           opt-out choice, some email marketers may choose not to follow it

William Leibzon
Elan Communications Inc. 

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