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Re: 5c. Message Status - Re: [Asrg] ASRG work items

2003-03-25 14:43:50
At 5:13 PM -0800 3/24/03, william(_at_)elan(_dot_)net wrote:
 c. Identify if we need extended error codes for anti-spam filters and if
    so only one or multiple ones
 d. Identify if we need to standartize on comments as well (i.e. not
    accepted because listed in xxxx blacklist with comments used to
    indicate what blacklist in universally accepted format, etc).

I think that some type of extended response would be very valuable. If people are really going to implement challenge/response systems of one kind or another, they need a standard mechanism for instructing a sender. This is going to involve, at minimum, some text followed by a URL (which might be as simple as a mailto: for a "white hole" address that the sender can send to complain about a blacklist). Possibly the text should be split into human readable and machine readable sections.

I think this should be specified at both the SMTP and returned-message level. This is the only hope we have of getting mailing lists and automated mail systems to work in an environment with lots of different anti-spam systems. We *really* don't want to go back to the mess that existed 10-15 years ago with zillions of different mail systems providing completely different bounce messages. Been there, done that.
Kee Hinckley        Junk-Free Email Filtering   Writings on Technology and Society

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.
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