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Re: [Asrg] Proposal for Opt-Out

2003-03-30 21:01:09
On Sat, Mar 29, 2003 at 06:43:52PM -0800, william(_at_)elan(_dot_)net wrote

  And the "special header in the email" will be in the DATA: block,
and can only be parsed if you accept the entire email.  Oh, did I
mention that broadband ISPs in Canada now surcharge extra if you
exceed your monthly bandwidth quota ?  Accepting the email, even if
it is discarded immediately, counts on your quota.  In other words,
it can cost actual money.
The system is intended to be used by MTAs not by MUAs (though this
is still an option), so email would be discarded if the encrypted
hash is not available and either never reaches MUA or is placed is
possible-spam folder.

As for header being part of DATA block and that being difficulty for
some MTAs, we'll talk about this point again in 15-20 days when I'm
ready to submitone particular draft I'm working on.

  Please re-read what I said... "Accepting the email, even if it is
discarded immediately, counts on your quota.".  It has to be accepted to
read the DATA: block.  You did say "special header in the email" and
headers are in the DATA: block; period, end of story.

  Assuming that you were unclear about what you meant, there are two
other possible options...

  1) Some extension (or maybe even total re-write) of the SMTP protocol
  2) Funky hash encoding in the MAIL FROM: and/or the RCPT: blocks

Walter Dnes <waltdnes(_at_)waltdnes(_dot_)org>
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