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Re: [Asrg] Hello- and my 2 cents

2003-04-24 01:08:11

You'd posited that a "sender" gets one shot.  So really (as in any 
whitelisting system), you have to make a decision as to what "sender" 
means.  I'm not fond of whitelisting myself, we support it, but we 
consider it a patch to deal with a failure in the system.  The 
inability to nail down "identity" is the primary reason I don't like 

I appreciate your point that a system implementing this sort of approach
probably has to track *identifiers*. The cheapness of identifiers (email
addresses, whatever) is a feature (strength / weakness - depends on your
p.o.v.) of the current system.

I'm not sure that this is a fatal objection to all and any permission-based
proposals, in-band or (as MKD suggests) OOB. I've got a bad feeling that it
leads me back down the "Certs required to send mail" track.

Ho hum.

Kee Hinckley          Junk-Free Email Filtering   Writings on Technology and Society

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to
everyone else's.
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