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RE: Short-term versus Long-term focus: A bit of economics ( was: RE: [Asrg] TitanKey and "white lies"... (..."improves" C/R utility?))

2003-06-01 12:11:52
        In my previous note, which suggested an objective economic
analysis as the basis for deciding between a short or long term focus, I
should have noted that it appears that the "cost of spam" is increasing
at a compound rate. Some suggest that this rate is equal to as much as
50% per year.
        Given compound growth in the "cost of spam", the present-value
of any future solution is drastically reduced as the time to implement
and deploy that solution increases. Similarly, the future-value of any
short-term reduction in the cost-of-spam is drastically increased as the
time to implement the short-term reduction is reduced relative to the
time-to-implement the long-term ideal solution.
        I suggest that an economic analysis of spam argues clearly and
unambiguously for the greater value of even the smallest short-term
reductions in spam rather than more perfect solutions that may be
possible in the long-term.

                bob wyman

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