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RE: Short-term versus Long-term focus: A bit of economics ( was: RE: [Asrg] TitanKey and "white lies"... (..."improves" C/R utility?))

2003-06-02 08:55:09
Barry Shein wrote:
The shape of that curve can be as important as its final outcome.
        Yes. That is precisely the point that I was making by suggesting
that one use an economic analysis in comparing the utility of short-term
vs long-term solutions. In many cases a "perfect" solution/outcome far
in the future will be "less valuable" than a partial solution in the
more near-term.

Some approaches won't do much good until most everyone 
accepts them, others might do a lot of good if just some 
early adopters adopt them such as major ISPs.
        And some approaches produce immediate value whenever a single
individual adopts them. For instance, filtering systems, whitelists, and
"single-use addreses" like those of TMDA, provide immediate and
substantial short-term benefits. For those users, the present value of
using such solutions if massively greater than the present value of any
"perfect" solution that might arrive, or begin to arrive, several years
in the future.

                bob wyman

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