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RE: [Asrg] 7. Best Practices - DNSBLs - Article

2003-08-12 01:23:39
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 21:11, Yakov Shafranovich wrote:
All we need is that a third impartial party has examined the procedures of 
the blacklist. Unfortunatly that is not being done today.


this committee could produce a guidelines document concerning
what is expected from a blacklist, and a copyrighted service mark
that can be displayed.  That's really all TrustE (is? was?) 
was it not?  If the habeus project has really had success in defending
its haiku from abuse, like they claim, that example (and legal
precendent?) could be used to defend the ASRG guideline compliant
blacklist mark.  ... so I'll compose a suitable haiku

        my coffee is cold
        but still warmer than the heart
        of the bulk sender

I hereby license the above haiku for use as a service mark of
the ASRG committee for purposes of marking a blacklisting
service as compliant with a to-be-produced blacklist standards

David Nicol

David Nicol / If at first you don't succeed, use a bigger hammer. 

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