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Re: [Asrg] IM2000

2004-04-24 08:51:33
On Sat, 24 Apr 2004 20:12:15 +0530, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
 What about offline hosts? And when does the local copy get deleted?

I don't quite understand your question. If it is something on the specifics of 
IM2000 then it would be best directed at the IM2000 mailing list as I have only 
done a brief review of the principals and am not involved with that project.

*snip stuff on greylisting*

I am aware of greylisting, though I hadn't considered what potential benefits 
over greylisting such an approach would provide. Off the top of my head, I 
think of viruses as an example.
If these are sent as normal messages, then they will pass greylisting as the 
legitimate servers will call back. Adding the layer of human intervention would 
potentially be able to allow viruses to be rejected. Thinking further though, 
it would be difficult to identify some virus messages from legitimate messages 
without scanning the body.
I guess it would also prevent abandoned mailboxes that someone forgot to delete 
from growing in size and taking up more than zero bytes of storage, but good 
housekeeping should limit the effect of that anyway.

It is just an idea, if there aren't any real benefits over greylisting (and my 
head is too full of Trust management systems at the moment to think about it 
too much) then that is that. If someone can think of reasons why it would be 
beneficial as opposed to greylisting then at least the idea is out there.

It hasn't had much real benefit, but greylisting was useful.

With regards to this specific line, do you have any specific links or other 
evidence to support that statement? It would be useful for the report I am 
writing at the moment.

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