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Re: [Asrg] Message Level Authentication

2004-05-07 14:33:44
On 5/7/2004 5:49 AM, Bill Mcinnis sent forth electrons to convey:


Question 1 - does everything have to be in a draft form?  I have seen a
lot of things hashed through without those (CID and YDK).  Most of them
seem to be ideas about things to try and not about things already built?
CID and YDK got a lot of hostility for not submitting stuff in draft form too. (And the former for being based on unspecified proprietary IP, and simply being from a company that's a convicted predatory monopoly, etc.) Here's one way likely to get rid of much of such hostility: An irrevocable offer to license at a specified price would be another idea...

Question 2 - Is the patent piece of this a non starter in terms of working with this group? I know you all are considering other patent pending ideas, what makes this one so different and what is with the hostile remarks to us popping our heads up?
The IETF doesn't flatly reject anything that's patented or patent pending, AFAIK, but it's a big hit, because patents usually make broad adoption more difficult.

In terms of techno-social merit, ML seems to potentially accomplish about what SPF does, while requiring more work from adoptees, and less incentive to early adopters, hence being less likely to achieve its potential. E.g. I'd have to set up and run an ML server for my domain (or pay someone to).

We are not trying to create a hostile environment, we just created something we know works and want to have it flushed out as an option
as it is the most secure form of authentication (no pki, no publishing
specific ips dns, not rebranding of old ideas into something new),
it provides the level of accountability required before any e-postage
scheme is possible and actually works.

Is the job of this group to find something that works, or find something
that nobody else came up with?
Thank you

Bill McInnis
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Matthew Elvey <matthew(_at_)elvey(_dot_)com>
Date:  Thu, 06 May 2004 21:04:11 -0700

On 5/6/2004 6:16 PM, Bill Mcinnis sent forth electrons to convey:


We started this thread over in the MARID board only to be
asked to move over here, which we can understand.

What Andy said applies equally here:

If you are asking for expert review of your proprietary anti-spam system, please do it elsewhere.

If you are seeking to contribute to this IETF standardization effort, please submit an Internet Draft complete with proper intellectual property notices. And remember, MARID is about a DNS authorization solution for MTAs.

If you believe that input documents to MARID are in conflict with your own intellectual property, please specify which methods are in conflict.

-andy, co-chair

It looks like you already got a bunch of feedback on the MARID list:

Thank you,

Bill McInnis


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