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RE: [Asrg] Re: SPF abused by spammers

2004-09-14 16:05:15

On September 14, 2004 at 15:31 Damon(_dot_)Sauer(_at_)BELLSOUTH(_dot_)COM 
(Sauer, Damon) wrote:
And SPF does nothing to identify spam- ONLY to validate the sending
domain to an IP address. That's it. No more.
This is only one piece of the puzzle but a necessary one. More are
needed in the fight against spam.

Why is it necessary?

It's amazing how many times this idea is disabused but people will
shamelessly stand up and make these vague and mysterious claims, like
used car salesmen...

   We have a plan so secret, so subtle, that not even the enemy will
   notice it when it's fully in place! In fact, it will have
   absolutely no effect on the enemy it is such a brilliantly subtle
   plan! Moo-hah-hah.

What a fraudulent load of crap.

        -Barry Shein

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