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Re: [Asrg] Please critique my anti-spam system

2004-12-05 15:43:14
At 04:04 PM 12/5/2004 -0500, Michael Kaplan wrote:

I had imagined a scenario such as what would happen if AOL or some other large provider made this system standard. Spammers already have a large bounce rate and they still spam, but what would happened if more than 95% percent of the emails sent to AOL addresses started to bounce? I suspect that at this point there would be a financial incentive for spammers to weed out the invalid addresses. I have read articles how many big time spammers already routinely weed out invalid addresses, but I am unable to cite these articles off-hand. I accept that for now I am only able to make reasonable speculation concerning this point.

(no, most spammers don't really care if an address is valid or not, it's easier for them to just pump out more spam in the hopes of hitting more valid ones eventually).

Except AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc, all have their own proprietary systems and the very idea of a sub-address would not go over very well on these systems. Sub-address for matt(_at_)AOL? How about matt(_dot_)sub(_at_)AOL? Already taken? matt(_dot_)sub1(_dot_)sub2(_at_)AOL then? Now try explaining this to their customers. And start paying for the support calls.

Also these large systems have no incentive to handle bounces from some non-standard system in a certain special way.

So, anybody running their own mailserver can throw up all kinds of barriers to receiving mail from normal people, spammers, whatever. Your system might work great for people that want to use it, they can go sign up for a "" account and use web based email there.

But, you can't expect large providers to adopt any sort of system like this. Maybe 1% of the population would be savvy enough to understand it. On the other hand, if everyone in the world started using SBL+CBL, that would stop over 90% of the spam to everyone, immediately, with no effort and very few false positives.

The point is, I personally don't want to create any extra effort for myself or for my friends in trying to get e-mail to me. If a few spams slip through, great. But it's not worth me or my friends jumping through a bunch of extra hoops to avoid it.

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