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Re: [Asrg] Comments on draft-church-dnsbl-harmful-01.txt

2006-03-31 12:49:26

On Mar 31, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Peter J. Holzer wrote:

On 2006-03-30 19:31:44 +0100, Tony Finch wrote:
"Nick Nicholas" <Nick(_at_)habeas(_dot_)com> wrote:
It's the latter that I had in mind. What data can be adduced to demonstrate that we're better off with DNSBLs than without them? Perhaps something like sharply increased CPU loads would be a useful data point. Can we point to incidents where server meltdowns occurred because no DNSBLs were in place?

On my servers, DNSBLs deal with about 80% of ALL email (including internal email - our mail hub handles everything).

That's impressive. For our servers it was little more than 5% in the second half of 2005.

5% is about the right figure for the traditional RBL. There are other lists that prove far more effective. As an RBL list is effective at prohibiting a source, other sources are then uncovered. A greater percentage will be found using the newer types of lists. These newer lists look beyond just the RBL and approach the 80% figure that Nick indicates. : )


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