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[clear] Multiple SRV RRs

2005-06-26 14:03:07
I agree we shouldn't do anything bogus.  The situation I'm thinking of is 
an ISP with a big IP block, most of which is allocated to residential 
customers.  If that ISP can move his mailouts to one small range of that 
block, he can protect his mailouts without limiting his customers.

Right, and he can do so by publishing a CSV record for each one.  In
the usual case that each one has a name, that's all he needs to do.

By the way, 20 minutes is optimistic.

That may well be true, but when the sysadmin starts adding new DNS
records, I don't see any advantage in encouraging him to spend four
hours and two minutes to put in a bogus CIDR rather than four hours and
five minutes to put in correct entries for each server.

One of the few good things that happened in MARID is that MS' proposal
for a bloated omnibus DNS record was thoroughly discredited.

Another useless pigeonhole.  I would not let anything MS proposes influence 
me, one way or the other.  In this case, the consolidated record would be 
limited to 512 bytes, thereby giving everyone an incentive not to bloat 
their syntax.

The number of bytes in the record was the least of the reasons that
bloated omnibus records are bad.  MS argued, probably correctly,
that most of their caller ID records would be under 512 bytes.

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