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Re: [ietf-dkim] Not exactly not a threat analysis

2005-08-19 20:30:15
Look, it's not acceptable for DKIM to change the semantics of From.
From can contain multiple addresses, From can contain an address other
than that of the Originator, and if a Sender field is present From has
no implied relationship with the party that originated the message.
These semantics are well-established and have been in use for around 25
SSP as currently written does use Sender: (as a tie-breaker) in the event that From: has multiple addresses. An alternative way to do this might be to do an SSP for each address in the From: field that doesn't have a valid signature (modulo disagreement on this point) and use the most restrictive policy found.

Sender is so widely misused in practice that you really need to define a new field for this, or better yet, just define a new one that has cleaner semantics. In particular, a message can get "sent" more than once, so you need to have the possibility of having multiple senders and indicating the order.

The point is that, for a variety of reasons, From really has no implied relationship with who sent the message, and has only a tenuous relationship with who wrote the message. People have stood on their heads trying to reconcile this with the desire to make the IDs of principals who sign the message agree with the legacy message headers, but it just doesn't fit - there are too many different things that are done with messages, for justifiable reasons, that invalidate this assumption. Rather than try to change the way that existing fields are used, it makes a lot more sense to just define new fields (or parameters within a DKIM-Signature field) that have the semantics you want.

If you want to define a way for DKIM to say "the party who sent this
message has permission to make statements on behalf of these From
addresses" that's all well and good.  What's not appropriate is to
define DKIM in such a way as to wire in an assumption that From is
always the party who originated the message.
We need to balance here between the definitions in specifications and how ordinary people look at email.SSP is based on From: because that's almost always what people see and if you send someone a message, and ask who it's from, they will almost always point to it. If the recipient thinks that From is the party who originated the message, that's significant.

I'm all for having DKIM be as easily understood by "ordinary people" as possible. But trying to add new functionality to an existing user interface, without changing that interface, just doesn't work. If you want DKIM to add value for recipients, MUAs need to display signed messages differently than unsigned messages anyway. It might as well display the identity of the signer instead of, or in addition to, the From address.

Just as a proof of concept, imagine that MUAs started displaying DKIM signed messages differently than unsigned messages: unsigned messages would display From:, while messages signed by their authors would display something like Signed-From: e.g.:

a) From header a(_at_)b(_dot_)c; signed by a(_at_)b(_dot_)c would be displayed:

        Signed-From: a(_at_)b(_dot_)c

b) From header a(_at_)b(_dot_)c, b(_at_)b(_dot_)c; signed by a(_at_)b(_dot_)c 
would be displayed:

        Signed-From: a(_at_)b(_dot_)c [[claiming to represent a(_at_)b(_dot_)c, 
b(_at_)b(_dot_)c ]]

(presuming that the From header were included in the signature)

c) From header a(_at_)b(_dot_)c; no signature would be displayed:

        From: a(_at_)b(_dot_)c

The point is that the user interface needs to change anyway so that users will be aware of DKIM, and if it changes, there's no particular need to depend on existing users' expectations about the semantics of the From field. They'll learn to understand the new indications. (however we would want to try to have this displayed with reasonable consistency across different user agents)

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