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Re: [ietf-dkim] Attempted summary, SSP again

2006-01-27 09:36:39
Bill(_dot_)Oxley(_at_)cox(_dot_)com wrote:
" If it has a valid first party signature, it passes. If it doesn't,
it doesn't." If the value of the valid signature states that 3rd party
signers are not admissible it does impugn the validated first party

  No, it should just treat it as if it didn't exist for the purposes
  of the ssp check.

So should the first party remove 3rd party signatures?

  Assumedly, most of these third party signatures will be added after
  the first party signatures so in the normal case it wouldn't have
  the opportunity.

should the text read

    "!  All mail from the entity is signed; Third-Party
        signatures SHOULD NOT be accepted in lieu of an entity signature

  Yes, that's what it's supposed to mean.

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