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Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM verification actors

2006-04-21 09:37:25

On Apr 21, 2006, at 6:09 AM, Michael Thomas wrote:

IMO, the problem here saying that MUA's can praticipate in verification is a large rathole. There many structural impediments with them reliably verifying signatures. For one, many MDA's torture messages in very DKIM unfriendly ways. Like sucking the attachments into a database and regenerating the mime on output to the MUA. For a pretty large class of MUA/MDA mating, it's my understanding that trying to get this to work is pretty much
a fools errand.

While there are limitations to this approach, a subset of messages survive these rigors. Transactional messages can still obtain differential handling at the email viewing application within a listed set of providers. It would be foolish to expect all message types survive, or that all MDAs are DKIM friendly. The goals for this approach are different. Benefits can be found without deployment of DKIM related filtering at the providers. Filtering also has limitations, as filtering tends to be reactive. DKIM at the MDA has value. DKIM when the message is first being viewed has value. Each offer different advantages and disadvantages.

On the DKIM side, however, if we define that MUA's can verify at all, we need to exactly qualify what that MUA is to match the general expectation we place on MTA's and MDA's: that they are connected and that they are will verify the message within reasonable transit time, and store the *results* of the verification for later use if necessary (ie, it for display purposes). If they won't or can't do those things, then they aren't a DKIM-verification-capable MUA.

Thus a DKIM-verification-capable MxA:

1) MUST receive email in a form whose transformations fall within the acceptable set of modifications as defined in -base-nn (eg, canon, l=)

Of course.

2) MUST perform the verification within the "transport window", typically 7 days.

The desired change to the base draft was to move the key retention recommendation to a BCP. Indicate within the base draft the key retention interval assures protection over the expected message transit period. When the sender desires that this period allows verification when first viewed, this interval may need to consider typical variations seen over this transport. In the fullness of time, global statistics will become available.

3) MUST store the results of the verification process if results of the verification process will be used for some later process

A viewer may log these events, but should not predicate assurances on less trustworthy result notations. Using untrustworthy results would be foolish as well.


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