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Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM verification actors

2006-04-21 09:02:26
I think you've got this turned completely inside out. I'm not trying to say what an MUA MUST do. I'm saying that we should define the conditions under which DKIM signature verification is supposed to work. This may work for some MUA's, and it may not. If an MUA can meet those conditions and find DKIM verification useful, by all means. But please don't come back and say that DKIM is broken because it requires temporal, and other conditions that DKIM was not designed to support.


Paul Hoffman wrote:
At 6:09 AM -0700 4/21/06, Michael Thomas wrote:

IMO, the problem here saying that MUA's can praticipate in verification is
a large rathole.

"can participate" and "can participate as well as MTAs" are very different things.

There many structural impediments with them reliably
verifying signatures. For one, many MDA's torture messages in very DKIM
unfriendly ways. Like sucking the attachments into a database and regenerating
the mime on output to the MUA.

If this is true, then wouldn't most MUAs fail to work with OpenPGP and S/MIME messages? Or are you saying that the MDAs munge the headers particularly hard? We know that some MUAs are useless with OpenPGP and S/MIME, but that most work fine.

No, as I understand the problem these message stores save the attachments in
a database and regenerate the message in the mapi/pop/imap stage to the MUA.
The relationship between the input and output may be completely dissimilar
which causes DKIM signatures to fail. PGP and SMIME work because they
are attachments and assumedly the message store doesn't change them.
AFAIK, both Exchange and Lotus Notes do this. There may be others.

need to exactly qualify what that MUA is to match the general expectation
we place on MTA's and MDA's: that they are connected and that they are
will verify the message within reasonable transit time, and store the *results* of the verification for later use if necessary (ie, it for display purposes). If they won't or can't do those things, then they aren't a DKIM-verification-capable

Fully disagree. MUAs can do their best to validate well, and we can suggest how to do that, but we cannot mandate it.

I'm not mandating anything. Just describing the necessary pre-conditions for it
to work in an MUA.

1) MUST receive email in a form whose transformations fall within the acceptable set of
   modifications as defined in -base-nn (eg, canon, l=)

Thus a DKIM-verification-capable MxA:

How could we measure that, much less enforce it? Some MxAs will work fine with one set of messages and break with a different set.

No enforcement. "if you want this to work, these are the preconditions you must

2) MUST perform the verification within the "transport window", typically 7 days.

How could we enforce that with an MUA? Obviously, it would try to verify immediately on receipt, but an MUA cannot be forced to download mail when the computer is off. For that matter, an MTA cannot do it either. You are defining a system, not an MxA.

No enforcement. "if you want this to work, these are the preconditions you must

3) MUST store the results of the verification process if results of the verification process
   will be used for some later process

How would the MxA know that the results would be used by a later process? Are we going to create a protocol for the later process to tell the upstream MxAs that they need the verification results? (The latter question is meant to be humorous....)

We've already been talking about the Auth-Results, but that's a specific instantiation of that data. There are many more possibilities, some that don't require any standards work at all, and some that might. For -base, we can be value about this and just couch it in terms of "storing it locally" or somesuch and defer any of this talk to a later date.

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