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Re: [ietf-dkim] SSP issues

2007-06-05 01:57:34
Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:
From: Jim Fenton [mailto:fenton(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com] 

I'm not clear on what "only do TXT" means in this context -- 
do you mean a directly referenced TXT record or one retrieved 
via an XPTR lookup or both?

The policy record is only expressed using TXT
The discovery process being first look for TXT, if that is not find look for 
an XPTR and if found a TXT of the XPTR node.


This is apparently the central issue where I didn't understand your
proposal.  I thought you always looked up the XPTR first, but I see that
is not the case.

Is the rule then to always publish the prefixed TXT record, even if an
XPTR is also published, since some verifiers may not be able to support

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