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Re: MX dot was (Re: [ietf-dkim] TXT wildcards SSP issues

2007-06-05 01:57:34
> NOMAIL is out of scope, but wildcard is in scope.
> The relevance here is that it looks like we can get 95% or better coverage of 
the real use cases here by acknowledging that wildcards are primarily an issue for 

It is? If I sign everything for my domain, I'd like to be able to say
that for both the top level domain, and all of the subdomains too,


I think it is better to say, '*' means: ...and everything else.

So the subdomains that are not currently signed are covered under the '*' rule.
Which begs the question, if ~any~ subdomain is signed, wouldn't the
top level have to have to be signed even though it may be .nomail?

Damon Sauer
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