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What's in the charter

2004-09-23 13:50:33

It's probably wise for the discussion on this list to concentrate on
the charter issue -- let's get as much done as possible before the

Yes, indeed.  Here's some questions that relate to a charter that
occur to me:

How extensive is the group's goal?  Spec out a signature scheme for
draft standard?  Rough out the parameters but leave the details for
experimental deployment?  Lay out all the options and leave it at that?

Also, it might be useful to figure out in what areas everyone agrees,
and in what there are differences to be worked out.

I think we all agree that the goal is to define or create a scheme in
which senders can put signatures on mail messages and recipients can
verify them.  The recipients need some way to fetch the verification
key.  Do all the schemes use DNS for that, or are there others?

It is my impression that one large vendor prefers to to verification
and perhaps signing in the MUA, while all the rest prefer the MTA.

John Levine, johnl(_at_)iecc(_dot_)com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet 
for Dummies",
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be,, Mayor
"A book is a sneeze." - E.B. White, on the writing of Charlotte's Web

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