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Re: candidate MASS charter

2004-09-30 11:56:45

On Thu, 30 Sep 2004, Dave Crocker wrote:

ps. my query about the amount of time to budget for the 
requirements exercise was serious.  if you believe it essential 
to do, then we need to work through the details.  how long is 
realistic to produce the formal requirements document?

No more then one ietf cicle (i.e. no more then the time between two ietf 
meetings). My suggestion would be to get LastCall on requirements on 
(closely after) the next meeting after WG was formed. 

Then if there are exists more then one solution that meets requirements 
have them refined and new texts submitted and tests on how well the 
solutions work and how they compare to each done within next ietf cicle 
with 2nd ietf meeting being dedicated to choosing which ONE of the 
proposed solutions will go into final cycle.

Finallly between 2nd and 3rd IETF meetings we work on polishing the chosen 
solution and bringing it to level needed for it to become a standard with 
3rd IETF meeting dedicated to LastCall on WG documents.

This is basicly 1-year plan, I think its realistic to finish the work 
with this schedule (alghough one of the problems is that time between 
meetings is different, I'd prefer for each cycle to have about same 
timeframe with possibly 2nd one having longer one).

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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