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Re: Anonymous signed mail

2004-10-06 07:29:13

On Wed, 6 Oct 2004, Michael Thomas wrote:

 > > You're greatly greatly overestimating the problem with new dns types.
 > I agree.

So for those of us who weren't around when Marid slogged throgh this, 
can somebody give a short synopsis of the deployment issues?

The only serious problem is Microsoft which created windows dns API that 
can not support customer dns types. But having API that does not support 
custom dns types does not mean in general they can't be supported using 
non-native libraries and the only problem there is that some companies use 
Microsoft firewall products which apparently do not just pass information
along using standard protocol but is some kind on windows native api proxy.

Now if you remember MARID to large degree was an attempt to bring Microsoft
CallerID and SPF together and as such Microsoft made a big deal of new dns 
type issue and that they can't support that approach. Apparently some from 
SPF camp also supported that view for different reason - the GUI for domain
hosting controller at their webhosting/dnsprovider could only support 
few dns types and TXT was among that (many common DNS config GUI only 
provide support for 'A', 'MX', 'PTR', 'TXT').

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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