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Re: Mailing list last call for draft-daboo-sieve-spamtest-03.txt

2003-04-18 09:46:53

Hi Ned,

--On Friday, April 11, 2003 8:12 AM -0700 
ned(_dot_)freed(_at_)mrochek(_dot_)com wrote:

| (1) The document lacks the required IPR boilerplate. The IESG has recently
|     started pushing back on this.
| (2) The change history section needs to be marked "to be removed prior
|     to publication as an RFC".
| (3) The abstract should refer to the "sieve mail filtering language"
| rather     than just "sieve", in order to better put the document in
| context.
| (4) The conventions section should be moved so it appears after the
|     introduction and overview.
| (5) The abstract should not be numbered.

OK, all the above changes have been made in my working copy.

--On Friday, April 11, 2003 6:22 PM -0700 
ned(_dot_)freed(_at_)mrochek(_dot_)com wrote:

|> I do have a few of draft nits that need to be addressed with a revised
|> version:
|> ...
| Just noticed another problem with the draft as it stands. It contains an
| example:
|         if spamtest :value "ge" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "3"
|         {
|             fileinto "INBOX.spam-trap";
|         }
|         elsif spamtest :is "NIL"
|         {
|             fileinto "INBOX.unclassified";
|         }
| This turns out not to work. The problem is that the "i;ascii-numeric"
| comparator is defined to rank all strings that don't begin with a digit
| after any string that does. So if the spamtest value is NIL the first
| if succeeds and the second one is never reached.
| This is easily corrected by reversing the clauses, of course. The fact
| that NILL will rank higher probably should be noted somewhere as well.

Examples have been fixed. I added a note to the General Considerations section that describes this issue with the numeric comparator and explains how to handle it. The fixed examples also have notes that point out the new ordering of the tests, referring back to the General Considerations section.

Cyrus Daboo

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