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RE: Clarification on draft-martin-managesieve-04.txt ?

2003-10-18 06:27:02

Why? Getting the content of the script is what GETSCRIPT is for.

      When I gone through the draft, I co-related things with unix
      ls and cat.

      If I just want to know whether a script is there or not,
      return all the script names.
      ls filename


  In GETSCRIPT/DELETESCRIPT, I'm not clear whether
  regular expression are entertained. Pls clarify.
  Otherwice can we have a defined keyword like ALL.

Again, why? You use LISTSCRIPT to list the scripts available,
then use GETSCRIPT to get the scripts you want. Adding
facilities to GETSCRIPT to return more than one script would
require adding additional structure to responses to delimit
and identify multiple scripts.

      I just thought that adding some more flexibility to that would
be a value add.

Only if it is a genuinely useful feature. This has to be weighed against the
complexity of the facility and the cost of implementation. In this particular
case the complexity cost is not completely trivial given that we'd be dealing
with utf-8 globs or worse, regexps.

      If I have n scripts and If I want to delete scripts which start
with a*. I will
      do LISTSCRIPT, then delete one by one which requires more
server/client interactions.
      Rather DELETESCRIPT a* which would remove all the scripts and
require only one server/
      client interaction.

Sure, but that presupposes client interactions are at a premium here.
I don't think they are.

      For GETSCRIPT, if I compare with 'cat'. I thought it is useful.

Useful in some abstract sense, perhaps. But I don't think the benefits
outweigh the costs.

All IMO, of course. Others may feel differently.
