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Re: draft-freed-sieve-in-xml status?

2009-01-12 06:34:10

Ned Freed writes:
The other issue here is how to map this stuff to regular Sieve. The stylesheet given in the appendix maps displaydata and displayblock material into structured comments. This can easily be extended/changed to cover the handling of material in other namespaces. But do we want to formalize the structured comment convention?

My desire for structured comments is vanishingly small. My two cents.

Finally, there's the issue of how to handle other comments, which we've discussed in the past but may be worth revisiting now. Currently regular Sieve comments are mapped to <comment></comment> blocks rather than to proper XML comments. The reason for this is that not all XML processors provide access to stuff inside of <!-- foo --> constructs, so comments may get lost when converting from Sieve-in-XML back to regular Sieve. Do we want to continue to do things this way?

It's a decent reason at least, but it doesn't make me very happy.

In any case, here's a concrete proposal for how to move forward:

(1) Add the necessary stuff to allow use of XML in other namespaces
    whereever displaydata is currently allowed.

(2) Drop displaydata, making the use of namespaces required if you want
    to embed other stuff inside of a Sieve-in-XML.

(3) Add a section defining the structured comment convention for
    representing this other stuff in regular Sieve format.

(4) Change displayblock to just block, making it clear it can be used for
    other sorts of groupings.

(5) Leave the current mapping of unstructured Sieve comments to
    <comment></comment> blocks alone.


I wish I'd kept my mouth shut. So many of these things are just better than some even worse alternative.

<comment> exists so that even bad XML processors must preserve comments in a round-trip conversion, which seems weak justification. Not so weak that I actively disagree, but weak enough to make me unhappy.
