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Re: [sieve] Question about draft-ietf-sieve-external-lists-02

2010-10-16 22:54:09
Alexey Melnikov wrote:

1). ManageSieve capability for discovering support for different types of external lists. I will suggest some text.

Suggested changes:

  EXTLISTS - A space separated list of URI schema parts [URI] for supported
externally stored list types. This capability MUST be specified if the Sieve implementation supports the "extlists" extension defined in this document.

And the updated ABNF to ManageSieve:

   single-capability     =/ DQUOTE "EXTLISTS" DQUOTE SP ext-list-types CRLF

   ext-list-types = string
                ; space separated list of URI schema parts
                ; for supported externally stored list types.
                ; MUST NOT be empty.

Add to the IANA Registration

This document requests IANA to register a new ManageSieve Capability according to the IANA registration template specified in [MANAGESIEVE]:

     Capability name: EXTLISTS

     Description: This capability is returned if server supports
     'extlists' [RFCXXXX] Sieve extension.

     Relevant publications: this RFC, Section <TBD>>

     Person & email address to contact for further information: Alexey
     Melnikov <alexey(_dot_)melnikov(_at_)isode(_dot_)com>

     Author/Change controller: IESG.

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