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Re: Everyone back from Seoul yet?

2004-03-09 11:04:58

At 10:15 PM -0600 03/08/2004, Gordon Fecyk wrote:
I'm anxious to get started.

So where to go from here?

I'm currently working on a charter, based on the BoF; the charter
is focused on a single deliverable: Develop an MTA authorization DNS resource record
 to signal to peer MTAs that an MTA is authorized to send mail.

*Don't Wait* for a charter, though; please continue to work on the
ideas that were discussed.  There are a couple key issues that need
to be hashed out, and having agreement (or at least good discussion)
now will be a good thing for keeping the speed up as we move forward.

I'd say the broad question is "What are the semantics that this record
needs to convey" and the first key question is "What *identity* is it
that needs to be authorized".  Don't get too caught up in how to
represent that set of semantics in the DNS, or even how that identity
is represented in SMTP--get the semantics agreed to and the other
details will fall out pretty easily.

I hope to have a charter before the IESG at the March 18th teleconference,
just to give a first milestone--but again, *don't wait* on the charter.
                        thanks and regards,