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RE: when spoofing isn't

2004-03-19 11:37:05

From: owner-ietf-mxcomp(_at_)mail(_dot_)imc(_dot_)org
[mailto:owner-ietf-mxcomp(_at_)mail(_dot_)imc(_dot_)org]On Behalf Of 

I agree completely.  I'm firmly on the side of "let's not 
break things."

I don't think that there is much value in envelope from[2] alone. It has
to be matched to either an accreditation or to one of the 
other headers _that_the_user_will_see[1]

There are a whole mess of content filtering issues arising from going beyond
the RFC 2821 envelope previously stated.

Who was over from AOL that commented they could possibly be banned from
filtering on content by certain governments?  That, costs of running said
accreditations and an unwillingless to pay for said accreditation, mailing
lists that use different envelopes than headers as Dave pointed out, are all
liabilities caused by going beyond the RFC 2821 envelope.

I have to agree with Dave that matching RFC2821 envelopes to RFC2822 headers
is better off in the hands of the user, as in the final recipient of a
message.  I would not want as a domain doing this, but I'd show my
users how to do this.

[1] <mantra>I won't say it, it's too easy.</mantra>

[2] Be specific. Do you mean the RFC 2821 envelope MAIL FROM: ?

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