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Re: suggested new RRtype experiment

2004-05-22 13:16:10

Let me use a different way of saying this...

If "just" the people which have been thinking about what they want to express, I am pretty sure the DNS people can come up with an encoding of the new RR type which is to be defined, according to Ted's suggested solution to the new RR Type specification.

Remember, the DNS people promised exactly this at the BOF.


On May 22, 2004, at 22:02, Eric A. Hall wrote:

On 5/22/2004 2:27 PM, Matt Sergeant wrote:

(I still don't think XML is a good idea in DNS TXT records, so this

It's a rotten idea, exhibiting a complete lack of understanding about the
nature of DNS.

If folks aren't going to use small fast datagrams that will work within
the cache-intensive infrastructure, they should use another protocol.

Eric A. Hall Internet Core Protocols