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Re: Wild card MXes

2004-05-25 11:25:30

What was discussed at the meeting is approach to this where if direct
lookup for fails, then as part of the failure 
code dns server provides AUTHORITY section which contains information
about actual domain zone (i.e. most likely and then lookup
can be done to for the default record.

Wow, is that a hack.  Wildcards don't do what we want, so we'll use
zone cuts as faux wildcards.

Remember that the main argument against a MARID record is that Windows
clients can't deal with them.  Given what Bob's told us about the
Windows DNS client, I would be astonished if they were able to use the
additional authority records needed to suport this, either.

Also, has anyone run this past DNS experts?  This strikes me as
something they might have strong opinions about.

John Levine, johnl(_at_)iecc(_dot_)com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet 
for Dummies",
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be,, Mayor
"I shook hands with Senators Dole and Inouye," said Tom, disarmingly.

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