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Re: CSV (NBB, SPF incorporation of HELO check)

2004-06-20 17:43:48

On 6/20/04 4:11 PM, Roy Badami sent forth electrons to convey:

"Matthew" == Matthew Elvey <matthew(_at_)elvey(_dot_)com> writes:

   Matthew> Meng's latest SPF plan (in which he has borrowed my idea
   Matthew> of CSV semantics using SPF records) makes it much easier
   Matthew> to implement SPF than the plan in the current RFC draft.
   Matthew> Implementation of SPF by nearly all legit senders will be
   Matthew> much more feasible soon. Yay!

It's an interesting idea; do you know if an ID is forthcoming?
I just posted to spf-discuss for the first time:
I read the thread about this:
The latest I-D is dated May '04, and doesn't reflect this "Unified SPF".
We'll see if it's in SenderID, which is what the SPF - CID merger effort is being called, I think.
This thread makes me think it will.

I'm hopeful that spf code out there will soon check by default as per

That slide is from the slideshow at
that Meng pointed me to.

   Matthew> I would be interested to hear what others think - should
   Matthew> SMTP+SPF receivers reject or discard messages that SPF
   Matthew> "fail" (e.g. hit -all, not "error" or "unknown")?
   Matthew> (Perhaps it makes sense to reject for a while by default
   Matthew> and then sunrise discard as the default.)

I'm dead against that.

That was clear.  I'm halfway won over, hence the 'what *others* think'.
I was going to post there about NBB, but am holding off; if no one likes the idea here, why bring it up there?

I figure we'll hear back after the weekend re.

Dave, John, Doug:
Have you considered and rejected or not considered adding the NBB idea that I threw out a while back to the CSV spec?

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