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Re: Emotions, Encoding, and Ignorance (Was: Why not XML)

2004-06-23 03:41:21

On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 08:43:11AM +0200, Hadmut Danisch wrote:
OK, let's come back to technical arguments.


A/The major argument for using SPF is readability. I confirm that 
readability is
a very strong and important argument.

But is this correct? No, it isn't. Why not?

it is one reason. simplicity of the code that needs to be added to MTAs 
and making sure the records fit into 512 bytes is another. Your suggestion
is the best in all these areas. 

I propose to start beeing aware of having to do two different jobs:

- Define an internal encoding

- Define an external representation


I fully agree with you. That is clearly the proper way to do it. 

The original idea was to use TXT records first, make implementations 
that can use those available then hope that because the TXT records 
are in widespread use and because using TXT records that way is such 
an ugly kludge a new RR type would be created and the TXT record would 
go away. But people seemed to feel that getting everyone to upgrade
their nameservers in addition to their MTAs would be an impossible

Maybe this standard should ignore the TXT record after all and require
a new MARID record. I'd be very happy with that solution.