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Re: Emotions, Encoding, and Ignorance (Was: Why not XML)

2004-06-25 15:22:23

On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 02:32:42PM +0100, Luis Bruno wrote:

Sean Comeau wrote:
But people seemed to feel that getting everyone to upgrade their
nameservers in addition to their MTAs would be an impossible task. 

Not to defend Microsoft's existing design but I was under the impression
that we're using TXT because of bad design choices by the DNS team at

Specifically, they can't query for a new RR type when behind an ISA

The reason is because BIND needs to be upgraded to support a new RR
and that will take a lot more time and effort than just using something
deployed nameservers can use. 

I don't think that the broken behaviour of one particular firewall is a
compelling reason not to use a new record type.