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Re: CVS specifics: Accreditation

2004-06-26 14:31:36

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Leslie" <john(_at_)jlc(_dot_)net>
To: "Hector Santos" <hsantos(_at_)santronics(_dot_)com>
Cc: "IETF-MXCOMP" <ietf-mxcomp(_at_)imc(_dot_)org>; "Dave Crocker"
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2004 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: CVS specifics: Accreditation

I guess, if we implemented CVS with some initial supportive DNA sites,
would be able to help promote this sites and even encourage membership.
But I do see a need to offer more than one site, if only because one
is "less" expensive than the other.

   I am confident that at least half a dozen registrars would offer the
direct-rating service.

Ok. One of the things I would have to work out when it comes to a "feature"
that has 3rd party or marketing tie-ins, is to see how it will be accepted
by the customer base.   We got bit many years ago when tieing in one the
early Online Payment systems via a 3rd party VisaNet clearing house.  A
combination of customer support disputes with the 3rd party vendor and their
eventual demise killed this "Online Subscriber/Billing/Reporting" add-on
product line. At this time, the number of payment services like this was
limited.  Anywa, I try to limit and also make sure any tie-ins offerings is
first done with popular and reputable companies, especially it is going to
be a "natural" new feature added.

RBL is one area of optimization I would like to improve upon as it
represents a high percentage of the total validation transaction time.
If you agree a list of acceditation sites is needed, then this needs to
be optimized as well.

   Does the proxy-lookup service I described satisfy this concern?

Yes, I believe it will.


Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.