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the focus of MARID

2004-07-08 00:14:52

In <20040708040003(_dot_)153711710A(_at_)mail(_dot_)nitros9(_dot_)org> "Alan 
DeKok" <aland(_at_)ox(_dot_)org> writes:

  My focus in ASRG & here in MARID has been RFC 2821 identities.  If
MARID is no longer discussing RFC 2821 identities, then that's news to

It is my understanding that, according to the MARID charter, the
chairs would choose identities for this working group to focus on, and
other identities would be ruled out of scope.  See the MARID
description, paragraph four on:

The identities selected were the 2821 identities, not the 2822
identities.  See:

The Sender-ID proposal, for example, deals with the 2821 SUBMITTER
identity, so it is in-scope.  (Or, at least that's the explanation
Andy gave me a while back.)

Now, I must admit that I am somewhat confused on this subject.  For
example, I seem to recall several hums at the very end of the May
interim meeting that changed the focus from 2821 to 2822, but they
weren't in minutes and others didn't seem to remember such a thing.
Who knows, I could easily be confused on this also.

Speaking of confusing and minutes, I know that draft minutes for the
May Interim meeting were posted to this list, but I don't remember
seeing any final minutes and I can't find them on the MARID charter
web page.

Will minutes be published for the Interim meetings?


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