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Re: Forging (was Re: Differences between CSV and Sender-ID )

2004-07-08 06:53:09
(Sorry for the late reply, it's been a zoo of a week)

On Mon, 05 Jul 2004 18:13:57 CDT, Gordon Fecyk <gordonf(_at_)pan-am(_dot_)ca>  

It's just as bad with anti-virus.  People have it drilled into their heads by
a clueless media, other clueless people, clueless sysadmins that anti-virus
must fail sometimes.  In fact people buy AV tools with failure _in mind._[1]
I face this daily when I try to recommend Messagelabs' or Avecho's services -
how can you beat a 100% virus detection guarantee?

So you've solved the Turing Halting Problem? ;)

(Fred Cohen showed that virus detection is isomorphic to that, back in
his PhD thesis, if I remember correctly)...

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