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RE: MTAs should focus on email TRANSPORT not email CONTENT

2004-07-19 18:30:48

Terje Petersen wrote:
...  An MTA is a "message TRANSFER agent". Its job should not
necessitate reading the DATA content of email. 

However, MARID's job is to verify the identity of the sender of a
message, and the sender isn't expressed anywhere except in the message
body.  That's exactly why the PRA algorithm exists: to determine who
sent the message.

The mis-named "MAIL FROM:" doesn't tell you who sent the message, but
who wants to receive the bounce if any.  Much confusion would have been
avoided if the 2821 command were spelled "MAIL BOUNCETO:".  Many people,
including me, have gone down the path of erroneously trying to use "MAIL
FROM:" for authentication. 

-- Jim Lyon