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alternate submitter syntax

2004-07-25 18:05:26

I know that this is cosmetic. However the standards are forever. 
And words seem to cause so much confusion that getting the cosmetics of
terminology correct makes a huge difference.

This proposal may be too far down the road to wind back the clock. 
However I will offer my two bob worth. 

The term SUBMITTER is getting confused even by smart people. 

SUBMITTER is merely the reply address. The parameter would have been
a lot less confusing if it was simply called REPLYTO. 

The RFC.2822 FROM address is supposed to be identical to this parameter.

If it is not then the RFC.2822 header is malformed. 

We would say that we use an SPF test to check a servers authority to
instruct a specific REPLYTO address. But we would not imagine that the 
parameter referred to the actual real author or originator of the email.

In dialogue people seem to often mentally infer that SUBMITTER relates
the address from which the email entered the system. Even people who
read and understood the standards. People easily flip back into thinking
common english terms. 

Your servers need authority (granted through SPF) to specify either.


MAIL FROM address = BOUNCETO address
SUBMITTER address = REPLYTO address

MAIL FROM:<test(_at_)isp(_dot_)com> SUBMITTER:<test(_at_)domain(_dot_)com>

MAIL FROM:<test(_at_)isp(_dot_)com> REPLYTO:<test(_at_)domain(_dot_)com>

SPF checks the authority of a server to specify a given BOUNCETO
SPF checks the authority of a server to specify a given REPLYTO address.

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