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Re: alternate submitter syntax

2004-07-26 21:31:59

On Tue, Jul 27, 2004 at 02:02:23PM +1000, Terje Petersen wrote:
| TP> When I hit reply I expect to be corresponding with the PRA. 
| MW> That would be funny, because the PRA should be b(_at_)b(_dot_)com,
| MW> which is yourself!
| TP> No! According to your example I am C(_at_)C(_dot_)com(_dot_) 
| TP> You have not addressed the issue. 

OK, then, if you are c(_at_)c(_dot_)com, who is b(_at_)b(_dot_)com?

I originally said:

  In the forwarding case, where

    a(_at_)a(_dot_)com sends mail to b(_at_)b(_dot_)com
                          b(_at_)b(_dot_)com forwards to c(_at_)c(_dot_)com,

  When receives the message, it sees

    MAIL FROM:<a(_at_)a(_dot_)com> SUBMITTER=<b(_at_)b(_dot_)com>

  Due to the nature of the forwarding relationship, b(_at_)b(_dot_)com
  and c(_at_)c(_dot_)com can be said to represent the same entity.

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