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Re: on the topic of IPR

2004-08-27 04:37:33

Andrew Newton wrote:

-  Some of the participants have speculated openly that Microsoft's
IPR claims might also cover the SPF syntax even though Microsoft has
not specifically attributed their claim to draft-ietf-marid-protocol.

I was one of those people who openly speculated about Microsoft usurping
SPF. Only yesterday, Stephane Bortzmeyer said:

"You can say that every SPF implementation (there are many, see is an implementation of
Sender-ID's -protocol."

(I am not exactly sure how serious Stephane was, so I leave that in the
middle). But I had just voiced, the other day, precisely this worry: that,
ere long, Microsoft, integrating SPF checks with Sender ID, might come to
look upon SPF (not perhaps its syntax, but its use in object-code), as part
of Sender ID.

Given statements like the above, I cannot say my concerns are alleviated.

Given that Microsoft's patent application and original IPR claim
covered a Caller ID document which used XML and not SPF, is this a
reasonable assumption?

How realistic is this? IANAL, either. Which is why I would love to hear a
lawyer say here, that such "usurpation" cannot possibly occur within the
current license.

This is an area, btw, where I will gladly stand corrected. ;)

- Mark

        System Administrator

"If you were supposed to understand it,
we wouldn't call it code." - FedEx

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