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Re: Complaint on personal attack by Matthew Elvey

2004-11-29 16:00:35

And speaking of the complain
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
On Fri, Nov 26, 2004 at 04:44:42AM -0500,
 Dean Anderson <dean(_at_)av8(_dot_)com> wrote 
 a message of 92 lines which said:

The following message by Matthew Elvey includes an inappropriate
personal attack in violation of the following sections of the ISOC
Code of Conduct:

Welcome, Matthew, on the blacklist of Mr Anderson. People are hereby
informed that Mr Anderson is a world-renowned expert on complaining
about personal attacks. 

Really?  Well, I suppose it is because I debunk world renowned bullshit 

Indeed, googling on "anderson complaint ietf personal" will show that
his personal hall of shame if quite large :-)

Actually, the list of abusers is not all that large. However, I notice
that Stephane Bortzmeyer is also on it. So, I guess that his message here
is more self-serving that it first appears.  But wait, lets take another
look at Bortzmeyer's abuse:

Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote
If Av8 turns on PPLB, traffic to F-root will go through both sprint
and att on a per-packet basis.

Troll Bot <dean(_at_)av8(_dot_)com> keeps mentioning PPLB. May be some people
more knowledgeable about BGP than I am will explain to me why PPLB is
such a new issue for anycasting?

BTW, It turned out that I was right on this issue, and the Bortzeyer was
just being an idiot, and who didn't even know what PPLB was, and who was
unable to formulate an intelligent opinion in the first place.  In the US,
we have a phrase that describes this behavior:  It's called "talking out
of your ass".

So it seems Bortzmeyer and Elvey are in the same group.  Funny, that.

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