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Agenda for Monday's WG meeting

1997-12-08 05:09:26
So you all have some idea how I plan to order the meeting tomorrow, here's
how I'll break it down:

1 Outline meeting John N (5 min)
2 WG goals John N (10 min)
  restate the charter
3 Phil Zimmerman -- Design philosophy of PGP (10 min)
4 2015 status -- Dave Del Torto (20 min)
5 format draft status -- Jon Callas (45 min)
6 revise charter to add Trust Model doc (15 min)
7 any other new business (15 min)

The Trust Model is something we talked about in the early days of
organizing the WG, and I've lately been thinking it would be worthwhile
bringing it back into our scope.  Mike Elkins was unable to attend the
meeting, so Dave Del Torto has graciously stepped in to conduct the
discussion on 2015.

The heart of the meeting is the format draft discussion.  There has been a
lot of discussion over the last 2 weeks.  I expect the meeting will help us
bring closure to some of these discussions.  The results of the live(ly)
discussion will be posted as soon as possible.

I'll be looking for a volunteer to keep notes during the discussion for the
benefit of those who won't be at the meeting.

john  w noerenberg, ii
pager: jwn2(_at_)pager(_dot_)qualcomm(_dot_)com
  ----------------- --------------------------- ----------------------
  "The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps
   with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."
  -- Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Self Reliance", 1841
  ----------------- --------------------------- ----------------------

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