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Re: OpenPGP WG meeting minutes

1998-01-20 13:05:26
On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, John  W. Noerenberg wrote:

Here are the long delayed minutes from the IETF meeting in December.  Tony
Mione recorded them, and I've annotated them slightly.

40th IETF, Washington, DC
OpenPGP Working Group Meeting Minutes


Draft : PGP Message formats (Jon Callas)
      Jon discussed the most recent decisions on various open issues
              in the PGP Message formats draft
              (drafts-ietf-openpgp-formats-00.txt). There was some discussion
              on certain points. Some decisions by Jon, et al were reversed
              or modified during the discussion.

... Iterated/Salted String-to-key - This is long, hairy and
              complicated to implement. We have considered removing it.

The following should do all three variants (0,1,3), but I haven't tested
them all, nor any hashtype not normally used by PGP 5.0b8.  The original
is at in cipcop09.tgz in the libraries directory.

bp points to a buffer with the key material starting with the crypto type,
and hashpass contains the user typed in password.

cfbinit sets the key and initial IV for the cfb decryption:

void cfbinit(unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv0, int cipher);

/* string to key and initialize conventional encryption */

void getcfbkey(unsigned char **bp, unsigned char *hashpass)
  unsigned int i = 0, j, k = 0, ca, ha, sa;
  unsigned char hbuf[256];
  unsigned char hashctx[1024];

  ca = *(*bp)++;                /* crypto type */
  sa = *(*bp)++;                /* salt type */
  ha = *(*bp)++;                /* hash type */

  if (sa & 1) {
    memcpy(hbuf, *bp, 8);       /* salt */
    memcpy(&hbuf[8], hashpass, strlen(hashpass));
    *bp += 8;
    k = 8 + strlen(hashpass);
    i = k;
  if (sa == 3) {
    i = *(*bp)++;               /* postfix - hash size */
    j = i >> 4;
    i = (i & 15) + 16;
    i <<= j + 6;
  } else if (sa == 0) {         /* salt-free */
    memcpy(hbuf, hashpass, strlen(hashpass));
    i = strlen(hashpass);
    k = i;
  } else if (sa != 1)           /* 1 = just salt, else error */

  j = i / k;                    /* loops over whole text */
  i = i % k;                    /* last loop size */

  if (ha < 1 || ha > MAXHASH)

  (*hashinit[--ha]) (hashctx);
  while (j--)
    (*hashupdate[ha]) (hashctx, hbuf, k);
  (*hashupdate[ha]) (hashctx, hbuf, i);
  (*hashfinal[ha]) (hbuf, hashctx);
  memcpy(&hbuf[hashlen[ha]], hbuf, hashlen[ha]);
  memcpy(&hbuf[hashlen[ha] * 2], hbuf, hashlen[ha] * 2);

  cfbinit(hbuf, *bp, ca);
  *bp += 8;

              The rationale for its use is that:
                      1-Salt perturbs encryption of strings (same string
                              encrypts to different values each time it
                              is used)
                      2-Iteration adds compute time for the craker program
                              running a dictionary attack.
                      We've seen 3 options mentioned
                              1) Remove it
                              2) Change 8-bit float to 32 bit int
                              3) Change it to a MAY
                      Request for comments from WG

              Comments from WG member: Options add complexity but is useful
                      and important. The member would not have a problem
                      with it if the float was changed to a 32-bit
integer (2).

--- reply to tzeruch - at - ceddec - dot - com ---

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