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Re: Notation subpacket lengths

1998-05-28 12:53:26
Hal writes:

Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 11:50:06 -0700
From: Hal Finney <hal(_at_)rain(_dot_)org>
To: jon(_at_)pgp(_dot_)com
Subject: Re: Notation subpacket lengths

Jon - Unfortunately the signature packet retains a vestige of two
byte lengths:

   The body of a version 4 Signature Packet contains:

     - One-octet version number (4).

     - One-octet signature type.

     - One-octet public key algorithm.

     - One-octet hash algorithm.

**** - Two-octet scalar octet count for following hashed subpacket

     - Hashed subpacket data. (zero or more subpackets)

**** - Two-octet scalar octet count for following unhashed subpacket

     - Unhashed subpacket data. (zero or more subpackets)

     - Two-octet field holding left 16 bits of signed hash value.

     - One or more multi-precision integers comprising the signature.
       This portion is algorithm specific, as described above.

It was a big mistake to do this but at the time we weren't anticipating
large signatures.  Despite several people reviewing the design no one
caught this.

The only solution I see is to define a V5 signature packet format.


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