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Re: 128 bit block ciphers

1998-06-29 09:22:44
Werner Koch says:
How does OpenPGP cope with 128 bit block ciphers (AES)?
   The data is encrypted in CFB mode, with a CFB shift size equal to
   the cipher's block size.  The Initial Vector (IV) is specified as
   all zeros.  Instead of using an IV, OpenPGP prefixes a 10-octet
   string to the data before it is encrypted.  The first eight octets
   are random, and the 9th and 10th octets are copies of the 7th and
Wouldn't it be better to prefix it with 16 random bytes for 128 bit
ciphers?  Maybe we can remove the special CFB mode for these ciphers?

Yes, it would be better to follow your propossal.
Uri             uri(_at_)watson(_dot_)ibm(_dot_)com

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