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Re: Question and note

1998-06-29 18:45:23
At 06:32 PM 6/29/98 -0700, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:

   Uhhh, all I see in the intro is "RFC 1991". RFC 2119 is the definition of
   MUST, SHOULD, and MAY. You do have it in section 16, but there's nothing in
   the body referring to it.
   As someone who has started to become number dsylexic in the past few years,
   I can understand this one slipping by...
Mea culpa. You're right, I'm being numeral-dyslexic. I guess you can ignore
my off-list mail to you asking if you think I should have a 2119 ref in the
into, 'cause the answer is obvious now.


Jon Callas                                  jon(_at_)pgp(_dot_)com
CTO, Total Network Security                 3965 Freedom Circle
Network Associates, Inc.                    Santa Clara, CA 95054
(408) 346-5860                              
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