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Re: [Sam Hartman] Openpgp comments

2006-09-19 07:20:55

On Tue, 19 Sep 2006 14:19, David Shaw said:

It will take a very long time (at least a year, if not longer) before
a MDC2 and MDC3 are widely supported, and until then we run the risk

Given all the communication problems we had in the past with other
cryptographers on the use of the MDC, it might indeed be easier to
just add an MDCv2 as a MAY or SHOULD.

Even if we would flag an MDCv2 as a SHOULD feature, we as implementors
may still decide not to use it for a good reason (e.g. performance).
However the IESG rules are satisfied ;-)

The more interesting question is what we are going to do about the
SHA-1 requirement for a fingerprint and things like designated
revokers - this is a more troublesome use of SHA-1. Oh, sorry, I was
just thinking loudly.

