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Re: [Sam Hartman] Openpgp comments

2006-09-19 15:16:55

I agree with Ian. Remember those t-shirts they used to sell with the nine-layer ISO model? Layer 8 is the Financial Layer and Layer 9 is the Political Layer. There's an arrow pointing to Layer 9 with the message, "You are here."

I think it's worthwhile to have a phone call or perhaps even better a Jabber meeting. I'm in other working groups that do semi-regular Jabber conferences. A major reason for a Jabber conference is that it is my perception that it is the consensus of this working group that we disagree with the ADs. I think they need to talk to the working group as a whole. Jabber would be great for that.

On the other hand, we're at the political layer, and I'm happy to put in a SHA-256 MDC, if that will get us done. Furthermore, it may turn out that in five years we'll be happy we did. Heck, it could always turn out that SHA-1 isn't one-way enough. OpenPGP has always been forward-thinking, and we are known for being more on top of these issues than anyone else. Consequently, if we put in a new MDC and say that you MAY do it, the implementers don't have to do it until they are in the mood. Even if we say SHOULD accept and MAY generate, it's a small burden.

I think that coming up with a true replacement for the MDC is work we ought to do. It's on my list of things to do post-2440bis. I think this gets in the way of that, but if that's what it takes us to finish, it's what it takes us to finish.
